College Tours
Attention PARENTS of 11th and 12th Grade Students! College tours make college real for youth! Sign up on our mailing list to be sure you are among the first to hear about the upcoming tours.
Our college tours are offered with three guidelines:
1. Each student who wishes to join the tour must meet all academic deadlines at school, from writing essays to passing semester exams. If you don't have time to write all the tasks, then you should seek help from essay experts who will solve any of your questions at a professional level.
2. Youth should not attend a college that they have not first toured;
3. Tour cost should be low, to enable youth to experience several universities on their lists;
4. Experienced chaperones will always accompany students for the safest experience.
In general, tours are generally just one or two days, usually encompassing one weekend day to minimize the time absent from school. Parents are required to take the following three minimum steps:
1. Pay the required nonrefundable deposit for the trip (and balance due) by the stated deadlines;
2. As soon as the deposit is paid, with parent name and cellphone and student name and grade, so permission slips and other information can be sent promptly;
3. Download the specific information sheet and note the parent meeting dates and other details required for the trip.
Our college tours are offered with three guidelines:
1. Each student who wishes to join the tour must meet all academic deadlines at school, from writing essays to passing semester exams. If you don't have time to write all the tasks, then you should seek help from essay experts who will solve any of your questions at a professional level.
2. Youth should not attend a college that they have not first toured;
3. Tour cost should be low, to enable youth to experience several universities on their lists;
4. Experienced chaperones will always accompany students for the safest experience.
In general, tours are generally just one or two days, usually encompassing one weekend day to minimize the time absent from school. Parents are required to take the following three minimum steps:
1. Pay the required nonrefundable deposit for the trip (and balance due) by the stated deadlines;
2. As soon as the deposit is paid, with parent name and cellphone and student name and grade, so permission slips and other information can be sent promptly;
3. Download the specific information sheet and note the parent meeting dates and other details required for the trip.